The use of cookies when you visit our site

This site uses cookies to enable users to benefit from services such as the download basket and sign in, and to improve their browsing experience.

Unless you decide to deactivate the cookies, you agree that the site may use them. You may at any time deactivate these cookies, but please note that this may reduce or prevent accessibility to some or all of the services offered by the site.

What is a cookie and how is it used?

When you visit our site, information relating to the site navigation of your device (computer, tablet, smartphone etc.) on the site may be recorded in text files named "cookies", installed on your browser. The cookies will be used to recognise your browser for as long as they remain valid.

Only the creator of the cookie concerned is likely to read or alter the information contained in it.
Some cookies are essential for the use of the site while others help to optimise its use, and they are also used to:

  • Measure and analyse the frequency of visits and the use of our site, its sections and the services offered, enabling us to carry out research to make our site and services more relevant and user-friendly
  • Save your browser's display preferences (language used, display settings etc.) and adapt the look of the site to suit you, in line with your device's display and playback hardware and software used to browse on our site
  • Save information relating, for example, to forms you complete, or services or information you select (services subscribed to, download basket content, etc...)

Cookies placed on parts of our website by third parties

Our site is likely to contain cookies set by third parties (communication agencies, audience measurement companies, targeted advertising providers etc.) enabling them, for as long as their cookies remain valid, to:

  • Collect browsing information relating to visitors to our site
  • Determine the advertising content likely to correspond with your centres of interest so as to send you targeted advertisements relating to your browsing history as collected by the third party

You may at any time prevent these third party cookies from collecting your information.
The setting and use of cookies by these companies are subject to their own terms and conditions of use.

Cookies integral to third party applications on our sites or in our services

We may include software applications on our site originating from third parties, which will enable you to share the content of our site with other people or to notify them of your visits to, or opinions of, content on our site. This is the case, for example, with the "Share" button set by social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

The social network is likely to identify you through this button, even if you have not specifically used it when visiting our site. This type of application button may enable the social network concerned to monitor your browsing on our site, merely due to your social network account being activated on your browser (active session) while you browse on our site.

We have no control over the processes used by social networks to collect information relating to your browsing on our site and associated with the personal data they hold. We recommend you consult the terms and conditions of use relating to your data on these social networks to establish the purposes for which they use the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons (particularly advertising). You should be aware however that the terms and conditions of use of these social networks may allow you to control the use of your data by these social networks by configuring your user accounts with them.

Sharing your device with other people

If your device is used by more than one person and has a variety of navigation software, we cannot definitely ensure that the services and advertising intended for your device will correspond with your own use of it, and not that of another user.

Sharing the use of your device with other people and allowing them to configure the browser settings is entirely your own free choice and responsibility.

Your management and use of cookies

You may at any time manage and/or modify the use of cookies in line with the possibilities given below.
Any configurations you set are likely to alter your web browsing and change the terms and conditions for accessing and using certain services on our site which require the use of cookies.
You can manage your cookies:

  • From your navigation software, or
  • Interprofessional platforms, or
  • When you are offered the opportunity to do so
NB: Recognition of unsubscription is dependent on a cookie. Consequently, if you deactivate all the cookies on your device or change your device, we will no longer know if you choose this option.

Managing your cookies through your navigation software: You can configure your navigation software so that cookies are either recorded in your device or refused, and systematically or by setter.
To find out which methods apply to the management of the cookies stored in your browser, please consult your browser's help menu or "Your browsing history".

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